Ode on the Etiquette of Reciting the Quran
- Description
- Curriculum
This is a course on the 41-line “Ode on the Etiquette of Reciting the Qurʾān” or Naẓm Ādāb Tilāwah al-Qurʾān by the great Mauritanian Mālikī jurist and saint Shaykh Muḥammad Mawlūd b. Aḥmad Fāl (d. 1323)—remembered as “Ādda” by students—author of the famous Maṭharat al-Qulūb.
This course delves deep into the manners (ādāb) related to the Qurʾān, offering a comprehensive examination of the etiquette associated with Qurʾānic recitation backed by evidence. Students will gain a deep understanding of the spiritual practices linked to reading the Qurʾān and learn how to apply these etiquettes in their daily lives.
Throughout the course, you will contextualize each etiquette, delve into historical contexts to gain a deeper appreciation of their significance and explore the moral dimensions related to the Qurʾān and its recitation while developing a holistic understanding that will govern your practice with the holy text. By the end of the course, students will not only have a thorough understanding of the etiquette of the Qurʾān but also be equipped to practically integrate them into their lives.
Whether you are a student of Islamic studies, an educator, or an individual with a keen interest in the Qurʾān, this course is designed to provide a comprehensive and enlightening study of the etiquettes of reciting the Qurʾān, directly relevant to your interests and needs. It is ideal for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with the Qurʾān and engage with a nuanced and realistic understanding of its etiquette during their journey of developing a connection with the sacred book.
1Introduction to the OdeVideo lesson
- The Preliminaries for Studying Versified Texts
- The Author: Sh. Muḥammad Mawlūd “Ādda” (d. 1323)
- Translation & Explanation of the Text’s Introduction
- Linguistic Discussions on Complex Passages
- The Praise to God & Salutations for the Prophet ﷺ
2The Etiquette & Four Layers of the QuranVideo lesson
3Purity of Body & Place for the Recitation of the Quran IVideo lesson
4Purity of Body & Place for the Recitation of the Quran IIVideo lesson
- Purity related to...
- Purity of the reciter
5Physical Purity & Dignified Appearance for the QuranVideo lesson
6Sincerity & Reciting the Quran in GroupsVideo lesson
7The Etiquette of Reciting Alone & at the MosqueVideo lesson
8Reciting the Quran While Standing & SittingVideo lesson
9Reciting the Quran While Standing, Riding & Walking IVideo lesson
10Reciting the Quran While Standing, Riding & Walking IIVideo lesson
11Reciting the Qur'an While Standing, Riding & Walking IIIVideo lesson
12Reciting in Prayers, Reading from the Copy & ContemplatingVideo lesson
13Reading from the Mushaf in the Mosque & the Best Time to ReciteVideo lesson
14Loud Recitation & Avoiding OstentationVideo lesson
15Loud Recitation & Avoiding Ostentation IIVideo lesson
- The Preferred Way of the Prophet ﷺ in Recitation
- Avoiding Ostentation During Recitation
- Reciting Alone and Performing in Public
- The Knowledge and Practice Dynamic in Recitation
- Refraining from Harming Others with Recitation
16Slow Reading (Tartil), Melody & Errors in Recitation IVideo lesson
17Slow Reading (Tartil), Melody & Errors in Recitation IIVideo lesson
18Fast Reading (Hadr) & Changing the MeaningsVideo lesson
19Disrputing Recitation with Speech & Standing Up IVideo lesson
- Prosodic Breakdown of the Couplet
- The Correct Way to Memorise the Couplets
- Translating the Couplet
- The Ettiquite of Remaining Silent During Recitation
- Disrupting Variant Readings of the Qurʾān
20Disrputing Recitation with Speech & Standing Up IIVideo lesson
- Listening to the Qurʾān and Avoiding Speaking
- Does the Ruling of Listening Apply to When Outside Prayers?
- Standing Up for Elders During Recitation
- The Etiquette of Reciting in Relation to the Reciter and the Listener
- Understanding the Etiquette with Teachers
21The Etiquette of Clearing Throat & YawningVideo lesson
22Recitation for Those Who Do Not Understand IVideo lesson
23Recitation for Those Who Do Not Understand IIVideo lesson
24Recitation for Those Who Do Not Understand IIIVideo lesson
25The Ten Manners for the Reciter of the Quran IVideo lesson
26The Ten Manners for the Reciter of the Quran IIVideo lesson
27Seeking Provisions Through the QuranVideo lesson
28The Etiquette of Finishing the Quran IVideo lesson
29The Etiquette of Finishing the Quran IIVideo lesson
30The Benefits of RecitationVideo lesson
31Text Review I (Couplets: 1-11)Video lesson
- Translation of the Couplets (1-11)
- Brief Explanations of the Discussed Concepts
- Different Ways of Reading the Text
- Prosodic Points on Correct Memorization
- Simplifying the Linguistic Aspects
32Text Review II (Couplets: 12-22)Video lesson
- Translation of the Couplets (12-22)
- Brief Explanations of the Discussed Concepts
- Different Ways of Reading the Text
- Prosodic Points on Correct Memorization
- Simplifying the Linguistic Aspects
33Text Review III (Couplets: 23-31)Video lesson
- Translation of the Couplets (23-31)
- Brief Explanations of the Discussed Concepts
- Different Ways of Reading the Text
- Prosodic Points on Correct Memorization
- Simplifying the Linguistic Aspects
34Text Review IV (Couplets: 32-41)Video lesson
- Translation of the Couplets (32-41)
- Brief Explanations of the Discussed Concepts
- Different Ways of Reading the Text
- Prosodic Points on Correct Memorization
- Simplifying the Linguistic Aspects