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The Lāmiyyah of Ibn al-Wardī (d. 749) on Islamic Etiquette and Maxims

9 Students enrolled
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Course Description


2 Weekly Classes | Fridays & Saturdays | 11 a.m. [EST] | 45mins/1Hr Sessions | – Weeks | Language: Arabic


Shaykh Ayyūb Ibn Saʿīd Firrī


This is a Level 2 course on Islamic Etiquette and Maxims.

The Lāmiyyah of Ibn al-Wardī is a famous poem written by the 8th century Egyptian scholar; Umar ibn al-Mudhaffar ibn al-Wardī (d. 749). One of the main objectives of this poem is to introduce students to proper Islamic mannerisms, etiquettes and general guidelines in proper Islamic behaviour. This poem has gained great acceptance throughout the Islamic world, and has been a standard text that has been taught, memorized and commented upon. In addition to the Islamic etiquette aspect, the poem has also been used extensively in order to train students in the sciences of the Arabic language.

Through the study of this poem, students of knowledge gain an increased level of exposure and strong understanding of the various Arabic sciences, such as Syntax, Morphology, Philology, Prosody/Poetic Metres, etc.


This course will focus on 3 areas:

[1] Commentary: Expounding on the expressions of Islamic etiquette, mannerism, wisdom-full maxims, with a focus on how a student of knowledge should look at them and incorporate them in their lives.

[2] Text Decipherment: Deciphering the text to facilitate the understanding of students, in line with the rules of Arabic syntax and prosody, which will assist the students in the correct pronunciation of the text, and effectively helping them in learning the intended profound meanings. A unique experience for students of the sacred sciences who wish to commit the text to memory.

[3] Questions and Answers: The instructor will address student-specific questions and queries about the text, the class discussions, and the covered content in general. This will allow the students to have an interactive and thought-provoking learning experience, as well give them a chance to engage in Arabic with the instructor.


Ability to read and recognize Arabic words and their basic formations, and a basic understanding of the traditional teaching methodologies applied to study Arabic texts and primers, as well as instruction in Arabic.

Upon Completion:

A verbal and written ijazah to transmit the text will be provided to the students upon completion of the course. The instructor will determine which students are eligible for the authorization.

Registered students will have access to the recordings of the classes with English subtitles.