Sharḥ al-Sullam al-Munawraq by al-Akhḍarī (d. 953) in Islāmic Logic and Argumentation
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- Curriculum
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1 Weekly Class | Thursdays | 8 p.m. [EST] | 1Hr Sessions | Language: English
The following course aims to introduce students to the concepts, terms, and methods employed by scholars in the field of Islāmic Logic. Islāmic Logic is a science that plays a pivotal role in developing one’s understanding of ʿAqīdah (Islāmic Theology), Uṣūl Al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence), and other sciences.
Many works have been authored in this field, Al-Sullam Al-Munawraq is the famous 144-line poem of Al-Akhḍarī, which has been used as a primer to the subject. Students will have the opportunity to go through the poem, and can expect a breakdown of the terminologies, and concepts in Islāmic Logic.
1) Textual Breakdown: Deciphering the text, linguistic breakdowns of the text.
2) Critical Analysis: Critically analyzing the discussions that come in Islāmic logic and seeing their relationship with the other sacred sciences.
3) Questions and Answers: The instructor will address student-specific questions and queries about the text, the class discussions, and the science in general. This will allow the students to have an interactive and thought-provoking learning experience.
1Lesson 1Video lesson
2Lesson 2Video lesson
3Lesson 3Video lesson
4Lesson 4Video lesson
5Lesson 5Video lesson
6Lesson 6Video lesson
7Lesson 7Video lesson
8Lesson 8Video lesson
9Lesson 9Video lesson
10Is it Permissible to Study Logic?Video lesson
- The Three Views on the Issue
- The Arguments for Impermissibility & Permissibility
- Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ’s Opposition to Studying Logic
- The Take of the Subkīs on the Issue
- Explaining the Basis for the Difference of Opinion from Ibn Būnā
11Types of Temporal KnowledgeVideo lesson
- Definining Apprehension (Taṣawwur) and Affirmation (Taṣdīq)
- al-Rāzī’s Disagreement on the Composition of Affirmations
- Declaratory Affirmations and Other Sub-Divisions
- The Essence of Temporal Knowledge (ʿIlm Ḥādith)
- The Order of Apprehensions & Affirmations in Position
12Signification & Its Types II: Capacity & ComparisionVideo lesson
- Which Signification (Dalālah) is Individually Rational?
- Do al-Taḍammun and al-Iltizām Necessitate al-Mutabaqah?
- The Reasoning Behind the Different Understandings of the Issues
- al-Rāzī’s Diversion from the Majority of Muslim Logicians
- The Relative Strength of the Significations
13Simple & Complex VocablesVideo lesson
- The Definitions of Mufrad & Murakkab
- The Equivalence in Strength for Apprehension
- The Types of Murakkab: Restrictional & Predicational
- Categorematic & Syncategorematic Simples
- Examples of Divsions & Subdivisions
14Universals & ParticularsVideo lesson
- Defining the Universal (Kullī) with Examples
- The Precluding of Sharing in Non-Particulars
- The Six Extramental Subcategories of the Universal
- Defining the Particular (Juzʾī) with Examples
- Is “God” (Ilāh) Universal or Particular?
15Essential & Accidental UniversalsVideo lesson
- Defining the Essential (Dhātī) & Accidental (ʿAraḍī)
- The “Median” (Wāsiṭah) Between the Two Subcategories
- The Reality, Universal & Species in Relation to Particular
- The Correct Pronunciation of the Couplets
- Corrections on Some Linguistic Explanations
16The Five Universals I: ClassificationVideo lesson
- The Five Predicables (al-Kulliyyāt al-Khams)
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Universals
- Difference Between Differentia, Proprium & General Accident
- The Three Types of Accident (ʿAraḍ)
- Definitions & Examples for Each Category
17Divisions of Complex VocablesVideo lesson
- “Informative” (Khabar) & non-Informative Complex Expressions
- Three Levels of “Seeking” (Ṭalab) of Action/Inaction
- Decipherment & Translation of the Couplets
- Conditions for the Command (Amr)
- Truth-Apt & Notification (Tanbīh) per Arab Logicians
18Universality & ParticularityVideo lesson
- Difference Between Whole (Kull) & Universality (Kulliyah)
- Difference Between Part (Juzʾ) & Particularlity (Juzʾiyyah)
- Correct & Different Ways of Reading the Couplets
- Examples for the Concepts from the Qurʾān & Ḥadīth
- The Author’s Error in Understanding an E-Proposition
- Difference of Opinion in Paraphrasing Ḥadīth
19Definitions I: IntroductionVideo lesson
- The Definiens (Muʿarrif) & the Definiendum (Muʿarraf)
- The Material, Final & Formal Causes of Definitions
- Is the Definiendum the Same as the Definiens?
- How Can Something Define Itself?
- The Coextensive Nature of the Definition
- Examples for Each Concept
20Definitions II: DivisionsVideo lesson
- Real Definition (Ḥadd) & Its Compostion
- Composing a Delineation (Rasm)
- Verbal (Lafẓī) Definition with Examples
- The Role of Essential Universals in Definiens
- Subcategories & Types of Proprium
- Translation & Correction of the Text