Shaykh Ayyūb Ibn Saʿīd Firrī
Sh. Ayyūb is a native of Casablanca, Morocco. At an early age, he memorized the Qur’an and then at the age 16, he delved into learning the Islamic sciences holistically, with a specialized focus on Arabic poetry and hadith nomenclature.
His teachers include:
- Sh. `Abd al-Rahman ibn `Abd al-Rahman al-Idrisi [Morocco]
- Sh. `Abd al-Rahim Aayat Bu Hadid [Morocco]
- Sh. Zayn al-`Abidin al-Kunti [Algeria]
- Sh. Akram `Abd al-Wahhab al-Mawsili [Iraq]
Formal Authorization
Sh. Ayyub has been formally granted authorization [ijazah] in both teaching and transmitting sacred sciences and texts. He has more than two hundred shuyukh from around the world, and is known to possess numerous unique chains for different books.
He has writings in both prose and poetry. The most notable of his writings are his poem on the etiquette of students of knowledge titled “Irshad al-Talib al-Raghib,” and his additions to the transmission-compendium [thabat] of al-Basri (d. 1134), titled “I`lam Ahl al-Riwayah wa al-Isnad bi Istidrakat `ala Thabat al-Basri al-Imdad.”